- No need for more server, local network, administrator
- No need to install, works with a browser and login data
- Secure data transfer between server and client
- No virus
- Automatic saving, impossible data loss
- Accessible anywhere (at home, on vacation)
- Accessible on mobiles
- Runs on Windows and Mac
- Comfortable and very fast platform
Why is it good for workshops? Why modern?
Monitors workshop processes:
- No more neglected clients
- No more forgotten parts (missed order)
- No more neglected quotations
- Fast quoting method
- Get lists easily, endless filter options
- Welcome screen shows all important company information
Cost effective:
- Minimize your paper usage, you can scan everything with an app
- No need to invest in hardware
- All documents can be sent to clients without printing
Why is it modern and simple?
- Automatized processes
- Straightforward menu
- Logical working
- Informative welcome screen
- Stats at the click of a button
- Minimal paper usage
Attend the client:
- No loss of appointment
- No loss of order parts
- No loss of quotation and client request
- No loss of phone calls
- Repaired work fully documented (invoice, photos, repair form), forwarded to client
- The client get an automatic e-mail notification about the appointment
Stats anytime:
- You can see the daily/ the monthly stats of blocked hours, sold hours, income on wage, parts retail, full retail, parts margin, detailed for mechanics or customer manager
- Invoice stats
- Parts trade stats
- Stats what you want
- Informative welcome schedule, ‘heart’ of the workshop
- Check in registration in seconds
- Pre-defined pricing
- Detailed stats at the click of a button
- Integration with website: quotation appears as a task in the program
- Application allowing for immediate documenting (photo, video, pdf)
- Full financial modul: repair form, invoice, cash managing etc

- Transparency
- Fast use
- Easy to learn
- Simple
- Access management
- Company and private aims definition
8 work station, 10 mechanics, 3 customer managers, stock manager
4 work station, MOT Test
5 work station, MOT Test
5 work station, MOT Test
8 work station, MOT Test
6 work station, MOT Test, Damaged car repair and repaint station, New car sales, Use car sales
Damaged car repair and repaint station, Insurance assistance, MOT Test
work station 8 mechanics, 1 stock manager, 3 Customer manager
The beginnings of this business date back to 2011, when due to a change in the Hungarian tax legislation our target market had collapsed in an instance and we lost most of our customers. This situation required an urgent operational change and a professional customer attracting strategy. We made the decision back then to develop a brand-new system that operates with the maximal exploitation of digital technologies both in operational and customer attracting processes. Although we have just stepped on this path, we have come to a point when we are willing to share our methods and results and most importantly, our software. We invite You to join us on this joint adventure in order to provide the best services on the market. Fill in this form to join and we offer you a consultation of Your company’s situation.

Dávid Hollósi
I have been interested in computers, laptops and other electronic devices since my secondary school studies. Computer programming never truly applied to me, tough. Cars, however, attracted me more and more. Therefore, I studied technical management and graduated as an engineering manager ready to start a career in the car market. I have worked for the workshop (Medic-Car Kft.) for six years. This company allows me to work in both my dream jobs at the same time: as a workshop, we deal with cars on an everyday basis, while managing the software background of the work offers me IT challenges, too. Although we have been developing the ERP software of the workshop for three years now, it seems to have endless improvement and development potential (: developing and testing phases keep repeating over and over again.) Luckily, it has been installed in quite a few companies by now and it always provides new challenges. I also work as the bond between our computer programmers and the users in the workshops. Apart from my work duties, I spend my free time with my family and I like running.

Tibor Tóth
Business Coach
I have been CEO of the workshop (Medic-Car Kft.) since 1997. From 2011 on, I have also been working on developing and optimizing the processes of both my workshop and other workshop running businesses. Company leadership and development are my main interests, and I also like reading and learning to serve my partners and clients with the most complex and up-to-date knowledge of the field. Developing the Autobooking software is another complex task, since it requires considering and matching the latest digital technologies and the needs of the market. I am trying to implement the needs of clients, workshops, CEOs and mechanics into an exciting computer program so that its joint services attract car owners to those workshops who organize and manage their work with our software. When we consult company leaders, they honestly share problems of management and leadership with us. This is a big challenge but once you can see the fruit of the changes, it gives us a sense of huge success which help to continue our work.
Fill in this form to join and we offer you a consultation of Your company’s situation.